15 Powerful Qur’anic Verses About Hope and Trust in Allah

15 Powerful Qur'anic Verses About Hope and Trust in Allah

A Muslim’s life is in hope and hopefulness about Allah. These fifteen verses of the Qur’an symbolize an important point that when uncertain situations face us, it is the right approach to move ahead with total reliance on Allah’s wisdom and benevolence. They remind us that though we go through all our battles, Allah’s plan is the best for us.

“And whoever fears Allah, He will make for him a way out.” – (Qur’an 65:2)

“Whoever saves one life, it is as if he has saved all of humanity.” – (Qur’an 5:32)

“Your ally is none but Allah and [therefore] His Messenger and those who have believed.” – (Qur’an 5:55)

“Say, ‘O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.'” – (Qur’an 39:53)

“Forgive others as Allah has forgiven you.” – (Qur’an 24:22)

“And [Allah] loves those who purify themselves.” – (Qur’an 2:222)

“Seek help through patience and prayer.” – (Qur’an 2:45)

“Verily, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is within themselves.” – (Qur’an 13:11)

“If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor].” – (Qur’an 14:7)

“When you are greeted with a greeting, respond with a better greeting or at least return it equally.” – (Qur’an 4:86)

“And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression.” – (Qur’an 5:2)

“Indeed, your Lord is quick in punishment; but indeed, He is Forgiving and Merciful.” – (Qur’an 7:167)

“Say what is true, although it may be bitter and displeasing to people.” – (Qur’an 3:159)

“Help one another in acts of righteousness and piety.” – (Qur’an 5:2)

“Whoever fears Allah, He will make for him a way out.” – (Qur’an 65:2)

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